Tuesday, December 20, 2016

La Manz and Pedro's fish tacos

Glen and I have been wanting Pedro's fish tacos so he drove us up to La Manzanilla yesterday. Quite a lot of people and activity as we walked around. A few new things and the town was clean. the crocodiles are still there waiting for their chicken dinner.

We finally made it back to Pedro's, sat on the beach and enjoyed a nice breeze. Last time I had one of his tacos was a few years ago and I thought they were bigger. Big enough I could only eat one. Now they bring three in an order and I could only eat two. Got one in the fridge for later today. Best fish tacos I've run into around here but the ones on the waterfront in La Paz are the best.


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La Manzanilla, a village of approximately 1,500 indigenous and winter residents, is located in the southwest corner of the state of Jalisco along what is known as Costalegre (Costa Alegre) or the "happy coast".

Palapa Joe's
Visit La Manzanilla
Sparks Costalegre
La Manz Beach Cam
La Manzanilla Board